Thursday, October 11, 2012

Review: May We Be Forgiven by A. M. Homes

The family that runs much of the action and is cobbled together in A.M. Homes’s new novel, May We Be Forgiven, sounds like one from television’s Modern Family. “Dad” is Harry, an uncle who has custody of his niece and nephew; an orphaned Hispanic boy is tossed into the mix, and an elderly couple fills in as grandparents. The central event that throws all these people together is an accident: it is shortly after Thanksgiving when George (Harry’s younger brother and a successful television executive) kills a husband and wife in a car accident. It turns out that George has come apart and he is sent to a series of mental facilities to recuperate. Brother Harry is given charge of the two children, Nathaniel (Nate) and Ashley. Torn by guilt, Nate insists that they also adopt Ricardo, the boy who was orphaned as a result of the accident.

The rest of the review is here.

Thank you to the publishers for a copy made available through NetGalley.

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